Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Life at Castle Grayskull - My New Case Worker

Now that the powers that be at Bedford Atlantic have shipped out half of the shelter's residents to parts unknown and closed down two floors of the shelter, apparently to prepare for their "intake" role, there have been some changes. One of the most significant, for those of us seeking services, is that they have changed the assignment of case workers. Previously, case workers were assigned based upon one's bed number. Now, the assignment is based upon the first letter of one's surname. Mind you, the shelter staff did not bother to actually tell anybody about this change. They simply posted the new regime in various places around the shelter. For those of us in the shelter who are motivated (a small minority) and literate (it would be interesting to find out how many of the residents here are literate), this is not too much of a problem. For others, however, this could present difficulties. In fact, I have already seen one unfortunate resident being upbraided by his former caseworker: "I'm not your case worker anymore. Look at the list! It goes by last name now. Go look at the list!"

Read the full post here!

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